Always Be Cool (ABC) Podcast - Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland of SummitLendingUSA.com
Always Be Cool = Live by the Golden Rule. Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland showcase your community's top business, sports, and real estate leaders, sharing tips and tricks to help you reach your personal and professional goals through positive behavior, servant leadership, & best practices. Powered by Summit Lending | NMLS# 1850081 | Equal Housing Lender | SummitLendingUSA.com
Always Be Cool (ABC) Podcast - Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland of SummitLendingUSA.com
#144 - Dinn Mann | Intellectual Property Pioneer for MLB.TV | Founder of Goatnet.com | Grandson of Houston Astrodome Mastermind
Dinn Mann | Founder of Goatnet a social/streaming and IP development platform
- Bio: Didn’t mean to write this like a book. Yet, that’s part of what I’m here to tell you. Our stories matter. Our qualifications matter. How we tick matters. Where we can go together is limitless if the course is charted and navigated with strength
- Grandfather, Judge Roy Hofeinz - Helped develop and form the original Houston Sports Authority
- Greatest professional achievement - Build and subsequently fill the Houston Astrodome, helped develop “Astroturf”, 1967 purchased the Ringling Bros Circus
- Astroworld Hotel - Penthouse, known as the Celestial Suite, was home of grandfather from 1969 to 1973
- entertained Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Lyndon Johnson, and Muhammad Ali.
- One of Judge Roy Hofheinz’s admirers, fabled judge Leon Jaworski (Special Prosecutor for Watergate scandal), wrote in The Grand Huckster: “He was a dreamer up to a certain point, but his weren’t idle dreams. They were dreams that had substance. Houston and Texas owe Roy Hofheinz much
- Astros owners - The Judge & Jim Crane, Pitcher for the Central Missouri State Mules
- Family “tragedies, scandals, hilarity, business lessons?” - Father, incarceration; mother’s lover burned alive
- Lived in Kansas City in late 1990s
- MLBAM - MLB Advanced Media - MLB Advanced Media (MLBAM) is a limited partnership of the club owners of Major League Baseball (MLB) based in New York City and is the Internet and interactive branch of the league.
- spent 17 years as an executive at MLBAM and had the honor of leading hundreds of colleagues and working in a formidable brain trust that created billions of dollars of value on top of a magnificent foundation called Major League Baseball.
- Multipurpose ballpark metaphor - Astrodome of the 60’s to MLBAM of 2000s
- A Who’s-Who of IP royalty - WWE, HBO Max, NHL Network, CBS Sports and ESPN were among the world-class clients benefiting from our technology and associated services.
- Bad News Bears - Dinn turned down the opportunity to be an extra
- Departure from MLBAM - “Was not without some attention.”
- BAMTech -
- Dinn was 2% owner in BamTech
- “Despite the fact that Mr. Mann is a 2 percent owner of BAMTech, he received no compensation when Disney recently paid approximately $2.6 billion over two transactions to purchase 75 percent of BAMTech,” the suit alleged
- Tech purchased goes onto become Disney+ and ESPN+ for $6
ABC Podcast
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