Always Be Cool (ABC) Podcast - Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland of SummitLendingUSA.com
Always Be Cool = Live by the Golden Rule. Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland showcase your community's top business, sports, and real estate leaders, sharing tips and tricks to help you reach your personal and professional goals through positive behavior, servant leadership, & best practices. Powered by Summit Lending | NMLS# 1850081 | Equal Housing Lender | SummitLendingUSA.com
60 episodes
#160 Billy Brimblecom | Co-Founder of THUNDERGONG! with Jason Sudeikis, CEO of Steps Of Faith, Actor, & Musician
Kansas City Drummer & CEO of Steps of Faith, Billy BrimblecomWhat we love about this show is bringing awareness to awesome organizations and people that our listeners may not otherwise know.Story is incredible: Musician signed...
Season 2
Episode 160

#159 Michelle Bogowith | FOX 4 Kansas City Meteorologist | Adrenaline Junkie | Super Mom | Sports Enthusiast
Meteorologist @fox4kc • Storm Chaser • @Mizzou Made • Brody & Brock’s Mom • World Traveler • Adrenaline Junkie • Sports Enthusiast • STL Native Calling KC HomeFitting Twitter description - A meteorologist who is ...
Season 2
Episode 159

#158 Brian Rice, Famed Kansas City Photographer, Entrepreneur
How many events, concerts, weddings have you photographed?Best of KC Awards from the PitchHow does vision affect a photographer?Digital design background and of course photograp...
Season 2
Episode 158

#157 Gail Worth & Gale Holsman | Gail's Powersports | "If it's not scary, it's not worth it!"
Gail Worth | Owner, Gail’s Powersports Grandview, MO & her fiance GALE HOLSMAN | Serial Entrepreneur*Leading pre-owned Harley-Davidson® and Powersports dealer in Kansas City“This is where motorcycle and powersports dreams are ...
Season 2
Episode 157

#156 Rick Meyers, President of KillTheFill.org | A Kansas City Coalition fighting a new proposed KC landfill sight within feet of Lee's Summit Elementary School, Creekmoor Homes Community
Rick Meyers is a Kansas City, MO resident who built his home in 1994 under a set of rules from the City of Kansas City. Unfortunately, they keep changing the rules. He became involved in this because someone needed to get the word out and get f...
Season 2
Episode 156

#155 Dr. Grenita Lathan, Superintendent of Schools for Missouri's Largest School District - Springfield, Missouri;
Dr. Grenita Lathan, Superintendent of Schools; Springfield, MODr. Grenita Lathan views her role as chief advocate for Springfield Public Schools, its students and employees. She takes that responsibility seriously and keeps h...
Season 2
Episode 155

#154 | Steven Colyer of BaseFitAthletics.com | "Removing the Belly Buttons in Life"
Steven Colyer, Owner of BaseFit AthleticsSteve & Basefit’s main objective: Help others achieve peak performance, mentally and physically.You’ve said to me and DC...
Season 2
Episode 154

#153 Bill Althaus | 40 Year Sports & Entertainment Writer for Kansas City/Blue Springs Examiner
Bill Althaus is a 1972 graduate of Truman High School. His senior year the school’s newspaper won the Robert F. Kennedy Award as the top high school paper in the country. He graduated from Northwest Missouri State University and has been...
Season 2
Episode 153

#152 Rhonda Lyne | Midwest Music Foundation Executive Director | General of Abby's Army
Rhonda is a scientist by day and avid supporter of the arts by night. Rhonda has had an active role with the Midwest Music Foundation since the inaugural fundraiser, Apocalypse Meow, in 2008. Inspired by our founder, Abigail Henderson, Rhonda i...
Season 2
Episode 151

#151 Frank Hicks - Owner, Knuckleheads World Famous Music Venue; C.E.O. of the F.O.G. (F*cking Old Guys) Club
Famous musicians to play Knuckleheads: Merle Haggard, Sturgill Simpson, Bruce Hornsby, Edgar & Johnny Winter, Aaron Neville, Kevin Bacon, Blackberry Smoke, Burton Cummings of the Guess Who, Buddy Guy, ...
Season 2
Episode 151

#150 Brien Darby | Executive Director for Cultivate KC, a locally-grown nonprofit working to grow food, farms, and community in support of an equitable, sustainable and healthy local food system for all.
Cultivate KC is proud to introduce Brien Darby as our new Executive Director! Relocating to Kansas City with her husband and young daughter, Brien came to us from the Denver Botanic Gardens. She was born in K.C. and still has family here...
Season 1
Episode 150

#149 | Matt Anthony, President and CEO, Y&R North America | Founder & President of Head For the Cure
As President and CEO, North America, Matt Anthony is the driving force behind Y&R’s continued evolution as a modern agency in the United States and Canada. As a founding partner of Y&R’s digital agency, VML, Matt possesses an entreprene...
Season 2
Episode 149

#148 Tori Fugate | Chief Operating Officer, KC Pet Project | LIVE! from Boulevardia Festival 2023
Tori Fugate joined the KC Pet Project team in March 2012 – shortly after the organization took over the Kansas City, MO, animal shelter in January 2012. She is a graduate of Drury University in Springfield, MO, with a B.A. in Advertising and mi...
Season 2
Episode 148

#147 Barry Habib | World's Foremost Authority on Mortgage & Housing Industry | Lead Producer of "Rock of Ages" 27th Longest Running Show in Broadway History
Barry Habib Bio Barry Habib, CEO of Highway.ai, is an American entrepreneur and frequent media resource for his mortgage and housing expertise. · Amazon #1 bestselling author for his book...
Season 2
Episode 147

#146 | BOULEVARDIA Festival Planner & Local KC Visual Artist JESS ROGERS
Jess Rogers, Events Manager, BOULEVARDIADeepening a sense of community among Kansas Citians through the promotion of our city’s unique flavors and culture and contributing to the vitality of the great MidwestAT BOULEVARDI...
Season 2
Episode 2

#145 | OJ "Juice" McDuffie | Dan Marino's Favorite Miami Dolphins WR, 1993-2001 | Livin' La Vida Loca
OJ McDuffie | Miami Dolphins WR 1993-2001 | “Dan Marino’s Favorite Receiver”First round draft pick - Draft Day Experience?Dolphins cruise - Takeaways? KARAOKECoach Shu...
Season 2
Episode 1

#144 - Dinn Mann | Intellectual Property Pioneer for MLB.TV | Founder of Goatnet.com | Grandson of Houston Astrodome Mastermind
Dinn Mann | Founder of Goatnet a social/streaming and IP development platformBio: Didn’t mean to write this like a book. Yet, that’s part of what I’m here to tell you. Our stories matter. Our qualifications matt...
Season 1
Episode 144

#143 | Richmond Webb | Miami Dolphins Left Tackle 1990-2000 | Protector of Dan Marino's "blindside"
Played every offensive snap in rookie season, only giving up two sacksDefensive rival = Bruce Smith, Buffalo BillsWebb was so dominant that he was named to the Pro Bowl in each of his first seven seasons,...
Season 1
Episode 143

#142 | Eddy Perez, "Wartime CEO" of Equity Prime Mortgage, Host of the podcast "Empowering People More"
Eddie Perez | CEO of Equity Prime MortgageEddy’s father was on the Cuban national baseball team and arrived in Miami in 1964 after spending three days at sea, rowing from Cuba to freedom. He was homeles...
Season 1
Episode 142

#141 | Joseph Wheat | Team Lead, Partner Services at United Wholesale Mortgage | Naysayer of the "Death Pledge"
Born and raised in the working class city of Detroit, Michigan. So things were hard. I was raised by a single mother who taught me early on that the key to success was having a hard work ethic. That work ethic directly tra...
Season 1
Episode 141

#140 | Stan Hays, Co-Founder & CEO of Operation BBQ Relief | 10 Million Meals Served | #IamOBR
Stan Hays | Operation BBQ Reliefhttps://operationbbqrelief.org | 501(c)(3) Disaster Relief Organization | #IamOBRMISSION - Operation BBQ Relief provides com...
Season 1
Episode 40
#139 | Sarah Nauser | ALS Warrior & Advocate | #SarahsSoldiers | IamALS.org | Co-Organizer of MLB's Lou Gehrig Day
ALS.org | IamALS.org | #SarahsSoldiers | Facebook.com/SarahsALSfightPerfect timing with Opening Day tomorrow!Will you be able to go to Opening Day - I know it’s been a national holiday for you for...
Season 1
Episode 139
#138 | The "Sodfather" George Toma | The World's Foremost Authority on Professional Sports Playing Surfaces
George Toma | The Sodfather | The Nitty Gritty Dirt Man | March 24, 2023Pele quote: “The best field I ever played on was Wembley Stadium. The second best? Municipal Stadium in Kansas City.” <...
Season 1
Episode 138

#137 Jeremy "TheRealJGuts" Guthrie | Former MLB Pitcher | Servant Leader | Missionary | CustomCleats.com
Custom Cleats.com - Partner, turn any sneaker into a custom pair of cleats2023 will bring us the 5th installment of the World Baseball Classic (WBC)You can watch the games on MLB.com/world-baseball-classic. G...
Season 1
Episode 137

#136 | Billy "Country Breakfast" Butler | Former MLB Star | Zack Greinke Stories Galore, No One Gives A Sh*t About Your Boat, "The Grass Isn't Always Greener"
Any regrets in your career?Will he be at Royals Fantasy Camp in November?Danny Valencia altercation - have Billy set up the scenario and tell story2006 AA Team - Frank White Manager, Gordo, Billy, Mitch ...
Season 1
Episode 136