Always Be Cool (ABC) Podcast - Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland of SummitLendingUSA.com
Always Be Cool = Live by the Golden Rule. Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland showcase your community's top business, sports, and real estate leaders, sharing tips and tricks to help you reach your personal and professional goals through positive behavior, servant leadership, & best practices. Powered by Summit Lending | NMLS# 1850081 | Equal Housing Lender | SummitLendingUSA.com
Always Be Cool (ABC) Podcast - Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland of SummitLendingUSA.com
#158 Brian Rice, Famed Kansas City Photographer, Entrepreneur
- How many events, concerts, weddings have you photographed?
- Best of KC Awards from the Pitch
- How does vision affect a photographer?
- Digital design background and of course photography….have you always been a visual person with a form of creative expression?
- Some photographers photograph from a certain “place,” mentally or emotionally-speaking. Have you or do you photograph from a “certain place?”
- I’ve worked with many photographers either as a model, or musician, or business owner, etc….very few, especially in Kansas City, are known and respected by everyone. You’re HIM.
- What has made you and your reputation so strong as a photographer AND business owner?
- Are there any artists you’ve shot that you could single out as favorites?
- Your remarkable archive includes both portrait and live performance shots—which do you prefer? How does your approach differ between them?
- How did you fall into music photography specifically?
- And was there a particular image or body of work that was a major inspiration when starting out?
- What makes a good subject in music photography and what makes a good music photographer?
- Have you ever been starstruck when photographing someone? How do you overcome that?
- Can you think of your favorite show/concert/event you’ve ever shot?
- Have you ever gone on tour with a band or musician…life on the road, so to speak?
- Is there a specific PHOTOGRAPH or photographer from your childhood or life that sticks with you as a true inspiration?
- Famous people you’ve photographed
- Who is someone, alive or dead, you’d love to photograph?
- In one word, how would you describe your photography?
- What’s been the biggest highlight in your career so far?
- What are you passionate about besides photography? What do you do in your free time?
https://www.brianricecreative.com/ | Instagram @brianricecreative | Facebook: Facebook.com/brianricecreative/ | Email: brianricecreative@gmail.com
ABC Podcast
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