Always Be Cool (ABC) Podcast - Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland of SummitLendingUSA.com
Always Be Cool = Live by the Golden Rule. Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland showcase your community's top business, sports, and real estate leaders, sharing tips and tricks to help you reach your personal and professional goals through positive behavior, servant leadership, & best practices. Powered by Summit Lending | NMLS# 1850081 | Equal Housing Lender | SummitLendingUSA.com
Always Be Cool (ABC) Podcast - Bobby Kerr & Darren Copeland of SummitLendingUSA.com
#160 Billy Brimblecom | Co-Founder of THUNDERGONG! with Jason Sudeikis, CEO of Steps Of Faith, Actor, & Musician
Kansas City Drummer & CEO of Steps of Faith, Billy Brimblecom
What we love about this show is bringing awareness to awesome organizations and people that our listeners may not otherwise know.
Story is incredible: Musician signed to major record label, former improv comedy actor, best buds with Ted Lasso himself, Jason Sudeikis, CEO of Steps of Faith which has raised over $3 million to pay for prosthetic limbs for uninsured amputees, organizer of one of Kansas City’s largest and sought-after events (Thundergong!), amputee yourself from cancer, appeared in Netflix’s series Girlboss, AND drummer for one of KC’s best tribute bands….Summer Breeze….WOW! We’re going to struggle to find things to talk about today.
- If you've been in Kansas City for a bit, you may have been hearing about this recent annual event called "Thundergong!" — involving Jason Sudeikis, Fred Armisen, Will Forte, and Wynonna Judd, alongside other celebrities and musicians.
- NAME - How did you guys come up with the name of the event?
- How did you and Jason come up with the idea of the event?
- Failings of the healthcare industry - I’ve read articles where you mention this multiple times so obviously this is at the heart of your WHY with Steps of Faith.
- Can you elaborate on what these failings are?
- Is there a solution besides putting on awesome nonprofit events to help people?
- Starting a nonprofit - Lots of listeners and business owners want to do this. What are some key steps you’d recommend for someone wanting to start a nonprofit? Warnings? Must-do’s, right away?
- Brendan Hunt - Was just in town a few days ago doing a meet n’ greet at Arthur Bryant’s BBQ for Children’s Mercy & Big Slick benefit
- Amputation & Cancer - You’ve obviously accepted this challenge life threw at you and made lemonade from lemons.
- I’ve heard you say that coping with the loss of your leg gave you a “whole new perspective on life.” - HOW and WHY?
- I’ve heard you talk about MISCONCEPTIONS about amputees - Can you explain?
- Comedy Sportz - Rivermarket area in the mid-90’s - Love that place!
- People often ask me: How did you become good or learn how to start and run businesses?
- I always reply: “Playing in a band was life’s university.”
- I learned about marketing, interpersonal communication, website design, the art of follow-up, rejection, travel, problem solving, routing tour dates, etc
- Drums - “Playing the drums rewired your brain as a 12 year old.” Same. How did this change the trajectory of your life?
- “Wipeout” inspired/intrigued you - SAME!
ABC Podcast
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